What are Network topologies?
Network topologies refer to the physical or logical arrangement of devices and connections in a computer network. They define how devices, such as computers, servers, routers, switches, and other networking equipment, are interconnected and communicate with each other. Different network topologies offer varying levels of scalability, fault tolerance, and efficiency, depending on the needs of the network and the specific use case.
The generic term 'node' or 'host' refers to any device on a network.
Types of Network Topologies
There are several types of network topologies. some of them are:-
- It is the type of topology where every device is connected with a single cable which runs from one end to the network to other.
- They are basically used in smaller networks and is cost effective.
- If the cable fails the entire network will go down.
- If we have more traffics then the speed of the network will decrease.
- In this type of topology every system is connected to a central single node or hub.
- We can manage the network through the hub.
- If the hub fails the entire network will go down.
- In this topology the computers are connected to each other in circular format.
- These network topologies can sustain much more large network effectively than bus topology.
- It is a one-way communication either clockwise or anticlockwise.
- In this topology the computers are connected to each other in circular format with two cables.
- The communication can be both clockwise and anticlockwise.
- It provides an extra layer of protection as they are non-resistant to failures.
The most significant weakness of tree topology is the root
node i.e., if the root node fails the entire topology will fail.
It is a point-to-point connection where nodes are interconnected.It is a complex architecture as a node has multiple
connections with other nodes.
When a topology comprises of two or more types of topologies
it is called hybrid topology.
Beach topologies are designed basis on situations and
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